May Your Holidays Be Bright

Just a short message to all who celebrate Christmas (and those who don’t, but like the decorations, lol). I love seeing my tree up and take far too many pictures of it. I have nearly 12 years represented here, although I’m missing a couple years.

2008-2012 (mysteriously missing 2009)

I’m an ornament collector (I can stop any time, I swear). Every year I either buy new ones or my kids buy me one or two. And don’t even get me started on the socks they give me. Last year was doughnuts & llamas (not on the same socks, however).

2013-2016 (cameo appearances by Tenka & Zak)

This year I went a little crazy buying sea life ornaments. If you look close enough at 2021, you’ll see a couple jelly fish, a crab, a seahorse, a sea turtle, and a couple of flamingos, one dressed as a mail carrier and one as Santa.

2017-2021 (2018 MIA, photo bomb by Tenka)

I hope you have a lovely end of 2021, no matter what holidays you celebrate.

About Karen Sandler

Author of young adult science fiction (Tankborn, Awakening, and Rebellion) and indie published romance and mystery. WGA writer working on a TV adaptation of the Tankborn Trilogy. All opinions expressed on my blog are my own.
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