Micro Booksigning in DC

I just got back from downtown DC where I  toured the Capital and had lunch with my son. No trip to a big, unfamiliar city would be complete without at least one episode of me getting completely lost. There was some mini-confusion when I emerged from Union Station and wasn’t sure which way the Capital building was. My daughter-in-law had nicely printed off a map of the relevant area, including Union Station, the Capital, and my son’s office. As I was gaping at it, mystified, I realized I’d have to snag a local for some help. After the woman I’d asked pointed at a large dome in the distance thrusting up through the trees and said, “That’s the Capital,” I knew even I’d have no trouble finding it.

It was after the tour when I exited the Capital building that I got myself totally turned around. I had no idea how to turn the map to coincide with the street names I was seeing. Even the recourse of asking a local was only partly successful. It wasn’t until I’d fulfilled my obligation to go off half-cocked in the wrong direction before finally, finally figuring out where I was that I was able to get on the right track. The funny part is, my son had asked me at 11:30 if I could wait until noon for lunch. Since I needed time to get lost before I got found, the extra half hour was appreciated.

After lunch, I walked over to the downtown Barnes and Noble to autograph shelf stock. There are two B&N in DC, one in the Union Station Metro, and the downtown one on 12th & E. With “get hopelessly lost” ticked off on my agenda, I had no trouble locating the 12th Street store. They’d ordered in three copies of Tankborn, but along the way to the store, I met a woman who was headed to B&N to buy books as a birthday gift to herself.

When she found out I was an author and that I was glad to autograph a book to her, she insisted on buying one of the three copies. Whee! Thank you, Tracy. And thanks to Ruth, the wonderful, helpful B&N sales associate.

Fun day for me. How has your week been going?

About Karen Sandler

Author of young adult science fiction (Tankborn, Awakening, and Rebellion) and indie published romance and mystery. WGA writer working on a TV adaptation of the Tankborn Trilogy. All opinions expressed on my blog are my own.
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3 Responses to Micro Booksigning in DC

  1. anonymous says:

    That must’ve been pretty cool to go to see your book on the shelf at Barns and Noble!

  2. Robin Clark says:

    Sounds like quite an adventure on all fronts Karen. Would love to hear how Ryan and Dani are doing. I imagine you were there for Miriam’s grand 2nd birthday? Wonderful.

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